
Monday, September 2, 2013

Pretty looking Kitty!

Hello Kawaii blush Fans and Hello Kitty lovers, How are you all today , have you had a lovely weekend? My weekend was okay I got my hair cut short again as I wish not to worry about it. See Am going to be more absent from Kawaii Blush as I am going on vacation and then moving house..eeek! So I will have to neglect you all for a bit. I hope I can make it up to you all when I return back am not sure when but it could be about a month or soo 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。.
How ever today I want to show you the newest looking Bracelets that I have found that are utterly stunning! 

They are ever so pretty and so so cute!

This is the black one , it looks very posh looking with  colour and so many sparkles on it too, I love the effect of the ribbon shaped like roses or some kind of flowers all around it. Too Cute ne!


It also comes in a very pretty pink and looks so girly, Fit for any of you princess like Kitty fans. Its just so pretty looking...Such a darling item. However its not just a stunning bracelet if you undo the face of Hello Kitty you will find a kawaii super surprise! 

Kyaaa! Kawaii its an adorable watch hidden under Kitty-chan! What a cute idea
I love this idea very clever! Which one do you like the best the pink or the black one?
Am also looking forward to next weekend as am attending a MCM Comic con event I hope to look for lots of Hello Kitty items for you all hai! I cant wait to put the last of my outfit together as am dressing as Hello Kitty teehee!! This should be a lot of fun as well. I hope to take lots of photos to show you all once I upload them and have been to the event.
Enjoy the rest of you your week every one!!


  1. -- where can i buy this cool stuff, i wish i had one.. .

  2. Most products shown are from Sanrio or you can try our shopping serice at (^_^) <3


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