
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Kitty Kanzashi Hair accessiores

 Hello Kawaii Blush and Hello Kitty lovers! 
Today is a good day the post man left me lots of post,The weather is a bit Gloomy,But that is okay.Because am feeling very inspired today and been decorating my Ideas Book,It has sections on it that are like book marks so I have added cute stickers to them cause they looked a bit boring teehee!Any how I got some thing very cute in the Post, from a talented lady who makes Kanzashi, Hair ornaments that Geiko and Maiko wear.(Geisha's), I love the traditional Japanese clothing I think it looks so pretty and kawaii, not forgetting very princess like and elegant!! 

Hello Kitty can be found wearing Kanzashi when she has a Kimono on sometimes ,I even have 2 which she has them instead of her bow!! Kawaii ne!!

How Pretty is Kitty? Waah! Cute ne!

Look as all these hair ornaments from bows to combs so pretty!!
So When I found out that the Lady who makes the ornaments in the UK and she had ordered a Hello Kitty Fabric I had to get myself one!
So here are some Photos of it, I hope you all Love it as much as me!!

Can you spot Hello Kitty hiding in the Fabric?

Here is a close up photo can you see her know? Its so Pretty!

As you can see I have treated myself to a few of these hair ornaments. They are all so pretty and hand made too- kawaii!
Here is where I got them! Online shop link.

I wonder if any of the J-Grab fans have made anything with Hello Kitty on it? I would love to see, or do you have anything that is rare or different in your hello kitty collections? Remember I love to
 get messages, photos and chat from all of you because you are all Kitty tastic and big Kitty fans too!
Tartan san

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