
Monday, April 8, 2013

Tartan Transformation!

Oh hi there Kawaii Blush fans!
How are you all today? Did you have a nice weekend?
I did! I got to play with my new Camera. I got lots of great photos even though I had not read up on how to use it! He-he.
As most of you know that I adore Lolita's and Lolita fashion, its so Kawaii ne!? v(^_^)v

So I set to work, I was really busy with doing a video for you all. It took a long time to shoot and then oh my the editing was fun.its not perfect but I worked really hard and had to shoot a few times over and then speed it up to get it down to a good amount of time I think it took about 3 hours and that was with help! Eeeek!
So this video is my Lolita Transformation,From no make-up and normal dull outfit to full make up and Lolita outfit.
He-he it was funny shooting as in most of my videos, My cat Leo loves to sneak into the videos and you can spot his tail in the right hand conner he-he!
I think that cause it is so fast that I may have to do a broken down version sometime? So if any one wants to see how I do my make-up and such. I think it depends if any of you Kawaii Blush fan's want to see that or not?!
But here is the Video for you all to watch and enjoy!

I really enjoy , the whole work from Normal outfits to Lolita and from no make-up to full make up and Wigs.
Its like Magical girl Tartan-san!
Its a lot of fun, even though it take up a bit of time to get ready. Its worth it for the finished look too.
What type of videos do you all want to see next? 
Do you want to see more Hello Kittys things I have or more videos about make-up and fashions?
Please keep all your questions and suggestions coming! 
I love to get them!
Oh and have you noticed that I have updated the banner at the top of the Blog it's more Kawaii!

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