
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hello Kitty fan's!- am back!

Hello my Kawaii fans and Hello Kitty Lover's!
I missed you all so much! (T^T) Last week the most awful thing in the world happened to me. My Laptop hard drive died on me and I was gutted- yes that means I've lost all my Hello Kitty image, pictures and graphics. So Sad.
So with a whole week of no Laptop or any internet at times. I have been left wondering how you are all doing and hope that the cyber world has not forgotten about me! (*^_^*)
But am back! Slowly building up on my new Laptop and trying to save any of my old hard drive stuff.
So I had to get a new laptop, and me being me I just had to have a pink and very Kawaii looking one of course, because its so new am not doing to decorate it- its to pretty the way it is <3
I have found settings to change it all to lots of Pink colour ways and themes.

But of course!

While I was gone I did get some new things that I want to show you all some very cute Jewellery and 2 new Kitty's you do know that this has meant I have had no way to buy anything Hello Kitty?!
*sigh* I was not much fun not being able to do this blog or get any new Hello Kitty's to order!
But any how! I do have some photos form the new things I have.
First off here is my new items form a local seller in the next big city!
Its all themed and oh so kawaii! I adore my new goodies, I only ordered a ring and tights but I got a delightful surprise, (*^_^*) I got some extra free goodies!
I was so happy to get some free items I always take in  the hard work and time as well as the kindness in small sellers and shops and when they go the extra mile of kindness I am loyal in return. I know what it is like being in retail.
So yes my new Jewellery is adorable and so cute!
It is all Strawberry or should I say ''Ichigo''  themed and very Kawaii-ne , Right?! am so excited to show you this and am even more excited to wear it too!

This was the box of goodies I got KAWAII!
Love Love Love!

Close up of the tights! so cute.

Close up of the necklace too!
Aww I love my Ichigo set of kawaii love!

Oh what else did I get?

Yes my JSK in Pink and Black Tartan for my Lolita, I have not worn it just yet as I was also very unwell  when I was offline. 
Would you like to see the other Dress I have ordered?
Its really cute and I hope it comes soon, in time for a nice day to wear it with some sakura blossom trees as that what the print is!

This dress is just so cute! I am going for the blue colour way for a change, But I bet Hello Kitty would Wear it in pink! Nah I love being in Lolita!
Well I hope every one it well and you all staying very cute and kawaii while I was gone! I hope I can chat with you all soon on the J-Grab fan page!

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