
Monday, March 4, 2013

Make-Up Magic

Hello Kawaii Blush Fan's.
After posting about my new Hello Kitty make up. I wanted to see if I could find some cute Make up ideas for you all. Ever some Hello Kitty inspired Make up looks.
I love to play with make up, try new styles and ideas.
I find I like to try Gyaru inspired looks or Lolita like doll looks.What Make up style do you like?
What's your favourite thing in your make up bag? I think I would say it has to be a fake eyelashes and eye-liner!

Oh am also working on a side project at the moment. I have been hunting high and low and I only need one more item to finish off my project (n.~) I think you guys are going to love it. Its a Outfit but am not saying any more that that. I think I may need some of these Make-up ideas for it though... (o_o)
There is a lot of Kawaii looks you can create with make up!

Some of these look like a lot of fun to try out!

What do you all think of this?
I think you would need a very steady hand to draw a Hello Kitty on to your eyelids.I love these colours too.

This is a cute look, Just look at that yellow button nose and whiskers!

I think most Inspired ideas from Hello Kitty and mixing it with Make-up with be shades of Pink and white maybe even a little Yellow from her Nose.However I don't think that would be your limit I think lots of cute pastel colours would work too!

This is really cute too.

I love the idea of suing these 2 shades they are just so pretty! What a Kawaii idea of sticking stickers on with your make up. very sweet and am sure you all have lots of spare Hello Kitty Stickers laying about to be used.

This is a very simple version but it is in a light purple.
I wonder what Hello Kitty would pick to wear for make up for herself.?!
Till next time

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