
Thursday, March 7, 2013

At Home with Hello Kitty

Hello Cuties!
I hope you all are enjoying the Kawaii Blush Blog!
So some of my dear Facebook friends let me in on a new magazine that's so Kawaii that I had to share it with you all.

Its a New Hello Kitty Magazine that you collect each week to help build a Hello Kitty themed dolls house.
I have bought 2 issues so far and quite pleased with it. The sizes of the items or furniture should I say .(^_^) They are a good size,great for young girls and adults who love to rekindle their childhood and add to a Hello Kitty collection.

I started to get it more for using the stuff for my Ball Jointed Doll but the more I looked at it.I wanted to get  the house for my daughter and do it all up for her to use when she is old enough to play with it.
Here are some cute Photo's of the collection.

Issue #1
Each Issue comes with some hello kitty objects to add to the house they are so cute and have Hello Kitty logo's or details on them.

In the Second Issue you get your own Hello Kitty and a pink sweet Dressing table to place in your own dolls house- bedroom.
You can buy the Magazines own house pictured above but you have to wait a while to order it but looking at the photos of it you can see its very sweet and pink.
I checked the measurements and its quite a size.

In each Magazine there is some fun facts and activities for little ones to do.A bit advanced for my little one but she likes to colour in any pictures she feels need more colour added to them. 
Do any of you collect cute Hello Kitty Magazines too?
I know that there are a few Magazines on the shelf's of news-agents some times you can get some really cute things in them!
We all love a free gift right!?

I will keep you all updated with my Hello Kitty dream house collection !
(^.~) Chuu!

1 comment:

  1. I collected the Hello Kitty dinnerware with plates and cutlery and recipe books. I thought it was never ending. :-)


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