
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hello Kitty,Hello Cat!

Hello Kawaii Blush fan's, (^_^)v 
How are you all today, Have you been doing anything nice?
I Know that some of us love Hello Kitty and even like to dress up as her, but have you seen what some other fan's of Hello Kitty have done , well its not just them getting in the act of dressing up, Their cats are getting in on the fan too!
It looks like every kitty wants to be Hello Kitty too! (*^_^*)

There is a Cat hood/hat that these cats have had on and they do look every kawaii, I do not think my own cat would be very impressed with such a thing on his head, I think he would most likely attack it and rip it apart, these cats however look really content with their new fan head gear though.

How adorable does this real life cat look?

I think this cat look's a lot like Hello Kitty with out the hat, I think she would pass as Hello Kitty with just a bow style collar! I also think she is stunning!
Its not just cats dressing up and wanting to be Hello Kitty I have a feeling that, they are all also huge Hello Kitty fan's too! (*^0^*)
From them wearing bows or Hello Kitty masks.

Check out this kitty and its collection! How Kawaii.

They seem to even seem to be hiding and trying to claim our collections as their own! Like my cat Leo here hiding under a fleece blanket and chilling with my Hello Kitty's. He looks nice and cosy there.
(>.<) Hee-Hee! Not only that I think there is a huge range of Hello Kitty stuff for pets which I am away to research and find as much stuff for our real life Cats and Kittens! 

I will also see if I can find lots of kawaii things for all pets at the same time, If you do dress up your pets though, Please please be gentle and if your pet does not like being dressed up then stop, You don't want to stress our your pet and make them upset or get hurt.Hello Kitty would never harm a other animal so best take her wisdom and show kindness to our pets that we love. 

What pets do you have?
And is there any pets that you would like to have?


1 comment:

  1. Aaargh! So cute! *dies*

    I used to put my wee cat in dresses and bonnets. He was tooooootally fine with it. :-)


Feel free to leave a comment or a message for me,I would love to hear from all you cute fans! (^_^)v (Please note all comments are moderated and may take a while to show!)