
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Clean,tidy and Kawaii!

Hello Kawaii Blush Fan's, How are you all today?
Oh my I have been ever so busy and know am very tired (u_u).I bet your all wondering what it is that I do when am not up to Hello Kitty-ness , answering your messages ,post's on Facebook and Blogging....well most of the rest of my time is Cleaning and Cooking...never said being a Blogger was Kawaii al the time
(>.<) I wish it was haha! So yes, When you are Cleaning day in and day out, Tidying up after every one else who are so messy-messy! Its clearly not Kawaii!

So, Since am the Queen of Kawaii and Hello Kitty I declare that Cleaning should be made Kawaii and lots more fun!
So why not do Cleaning the Hello Kitty way!?
Yes that is right Hello Kitty has ventured out into house hold cleaning products!

Look at this cute cleaning mop with Hello Kitty looking up at you telling you your doing a great job of the floors, I love this mop. I so would love to clean with something this cute!

Or why not do some extra work outs while wearing these and doing the house work chores!?

Look at these cute mop and bucket sets! Just so cute and Kitty-tastic!

How adorable is this small compact hoover with a Hello Kitty design!
Kawaii ne!

Are these just not so cute looking, I like the fact that they are pastel pink and white.
(>w<) So pretty! I bet having these would make you want to use them and do more house work and chores. Right?!

Look at this cute Bunny style Hello Kitty  cleaning duster! Its so cute!
It is always much more fun doing things with it involves some you like or enjoy.
I like to put up my favourite Music when am cleaning and dance about to the music as I work hard. If only all my cleaning products where Hello Kitty themed or at least looked super cute and pink.
I know some of the Kawaii Blush fans have Hello Kitty cleaning products. They look so super cute!

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