
Friday, March 29, 2013

Shopping, Disney and Hello Kitty!

Hey my Kawaii Blush Bunnies!
Wha! its been a while right! I have been so busy on other projects and trying to over come my shy-ness. I hope you did not think I forgot about you devoted Kawaii Blush fan's!

Its Easter weekend here and that means there is a crazy amount of chocolate eggs in my house (T^T) Damn there goes my diet! EEEP. So Because we don't want to end up with a ton of chocolate from my little one. We get her Easter gifts! And today that meant a trip to the Disney shop! (\^_^)/

Who does not love the magic of Disney?
 Now, the shop we have near us is really small and nothing to exciting but I wanted to share a few snap's I got of the stuff in the store.

How cute are these small children version of the princess and I just adore all the soft toys. I really cant pick which one I love the most but I think, its got to be Marie the Kitten!

They also had a Cute Finding Nemo selection display in the window with summer coming soon...though with all the snow of late ...summer feels like forever away!

So after picking a gift for the little one from her Auntie. We did a light bit of shopping. Well if you know me and know me well, I was on the hunt for Hello Kitty ( But of course.)
So this is what we bought in the end!

Easter gift for the little one.Minnie Mouse and Marie!

And I found these cutie-pies! Punk Kitty and Cheer-leader Kitty in pink. Know I have been buying Hello Kitty's for a long time and have noticed a slight design change with them. They have been making her head more round and more stuffing in it compared to the older Kitty's. Is this a new thing !?
Oh and because its Easter I didn't miss out on getting a Chocolate Egg ha-ha!
Can you guess what sort of  Chocolate Egg I got?
Yea that is right I got a Hello Kitty one!
\(>.<)/ Whooo hoo!

So on that note every one enjoy your weekends what every you get up to and have a lovely Easter (if that's your thing!).
And what ever you do stay super kawaii!

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