
Monday, February 25, 2013

Tartan's Newest Kitty's

Hello Kawaii Blush Fan's
I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

I  had a good weekend- I got my hair cut all off and restyled.It will make my wig wearing days so much easier know that I do not need to worry about my hair so much.The rest of the weekend was spending time with family.
I have seen a new wig that I have set my eye on and WOW (*0*) Guess what colour I would like to have next...PINK!!!Kawaii ne!
But I wanted to show you my newest Hello Kitty's for my collection!

Here is the Cupid Kitty. I promised you a update on what shade she is.
Yup she is a pink shade.So super cute and so soft.

The other new one, with a velvet red pretty little heart in her paw and super cute leopard pint dress.
I LOVE this one so much - She was a lucky find in a shop by chance.
Love it when that happen's.

This Kitty is one I had my eyes on for a while,It was her dress I adore.If you take a close look you can see lots of detail in the print.
W0W (!@.@!)

You can see its based on where Hello Kitty lives in London with her family. In her bow you can see some of her family and landmarks such as Big Ben from London.
She is just so sweet.
I have a other 2 Kitty's to show you but the order got messed up.
So am waiting on the correction and awaiting my Kitty's. The other day I went about sorting my collection and started to bag my smaller kitty's- I spent hours cleaning them and bagging each one of my collection.
It took forever!
But know they will be kept safe from any dust or damp.
I been watching out for more up coming Hello Kitty stuff. I keep seeing so much. I want to have it all.
Are you looking forward to my other new Kitty's?
What new Hello Kitty things, have you bought of late. I would love to see them!
Sharing lots of Kitty love with you.
Till next time.



  1. Where did you get your london kitty. So cute. I have the other ones you posted but I've never seen that one. I have to have her to add to my collection.

  2. Hey There <3 I found her on the internet I think is not much information about it but its a TY Brand. Hope that helps xx

  3. I love the London one, its really unusual.


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