
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

How to keep Kawaii and Beautiful

Hello my Hello Kitty and  Kawaii lovers!
I while back ill and with being ill.My skin got really bad and I looked very unhealthy. 
Which is not good at all!
But am much better know- Thank you all for your sweet get well messages!
So I wanted  to share with you all my own beauty rituals, hints, tips and routine and if you all like this,Maybe some of my Kawaii how to's with make up? Am not a expert but I did learn a lot about this stuff with Hair and Beauty  in the Salon's I worked in. 
Again this is what I do for my own Skin so it may not suit every one.
My own skin is sensitive skin type and a olive shade complexion ( Its a good idea to find out your skin type.) So no harsh chemicals for me!
I wanted to enjoy my Skin care rituals and routine, I wanted them to make me feel super cute and pampered so I got to thinking...How can I make it cute!?
But lets look at my routine first! 

*Remember, Beauty starts from the inside, so make sure you eat lots of healthy and  yummy foods likes for fresh veg and fruit and keep a nice, balanced diet to keep your body's in its best health.*

Well my routine takes place at night-time, I like to remove all the days make-up and stress off at night so I can have a nice nights sleep.I like to use a good make up remover.Some times I will use make up wipes to remove my make up or a lotion.
After that I like to use a nice Night Cream to put on and leave on over night to work some wonders for my Skin, I found a really cute night cream that's in a pink pot!
(I got it from a local supermarket.)
Its so easy too look after your skin.Simply clean with a cleanser then hydrate your skin with a good moisturiser you like or a night one at night time.
Then when I wake up in the morning I just need to splash my face with water and a little soap to wake me up from a good beauty sleep, Sleep is very important to look refreshed and healthy. 

Did you know that it can all be cute at the same time ?!
I like to use a Hair band to keep my hair out of my face when applying creams, mask's and lotions.

Yup, Why not tie up your hair with this cute idea and keep hair off your face and great to use with applying make up!
Don't forget your wash mitts and face towels, how cute would it be to have these.

And you can get hold of lots of cute pots of lotions and masks but what about making them really kawaii with Hello Kitty on them!

Would it not be Heaven with all of this Hello Kitty-ness every where!

Even keep your body Kawaii with the body lotions with the help from Hello Kitty.

And don't for get about your hands and lips!
More so in the colder winter weather too!

I hope you all have enjoyed this Blog post!
So much Kawaii with Hello kitty and her beauty products!
I think I need to get my own hands on some of the Kitty ones!

 Lots more coming real soon and all very Kitty-tastic.

Love you all 

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