
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Get Geeky with Hello Kitty.

Hello all you Hello Kitty Angel's!
I hope you are all well and enjoying your week.
Hope you are ready to enjoy the Kawaii Blush Blog!
( n.n )
I wanted to know are there any Hello Kitty Geeks among us? I for one LOVE the cute geeky trend- though am a bit of a girly gamer Geek or Nerd as some call it.I think it is very cute looking and I think that Hello Kitty can pull off the Geeky look very well.
Do you do the Geek chic look? Id love to see some photos of you and your styles!
Hello Kitty has lots of styles but when she has glasses on she is just so utterly Kawaii!

The trend of no Len's or clear lens Glasses are creeping into trends! 
Has it caught on and in fashion where you are?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hello Kitty Clothing

Hello Kawaii Blush Fans-How are you all today?
I Hope you are all well and staying super Cute!
I love to wear some Hello Kitty Clothing from time to time.
I like to wear lots of  tops or Cosy Jumpers, sometime I can be lucky and get hold of Hello Kitty t-shirt with ease.
^_^ Yay!

Other times  I have to put my Hello Kitty hunting of Kawaii skills to the test and try very hard to find things.
But I love going to children's section and spoiling my daughter with the most cutest Hello Kitty outfit! 
There is so much to pick from. If only they did them in my size?! (¬.¬')
Would you like to see some super cute things in clothing, that I have found on the internet?
Of course you do!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hello Kitty Make-Up

Hello Kawaii Blush fan's!How are you all?
After my post of skin care tips and such.I wanted to share with you some Hello Kitty Findings of mine.That happens to be make up!
There is not that much Hello Kitty make up here,in the shops- Most of the time I have to ask some one or orderer online to get any, until the other week I spied some make up in a local chemist store !

Well I just had to get some and some of my other loved brands of make up.
\(^V^)/ Yay! <3
What brands of make up do you like?
I love a bit of Barry M make-up
Here is my haul of Kawaii Kitty make up.What do you think of it?

I think the products packaging is very bright and bold.I love how they have put a lot of Hello kitty's head into the products too likes of the nail polish base and lipstick top.
How Kawaii !
Am going to tell you a bit more of what I think of the products them selves and how they hold up as a make up product.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Tartan's Newest Kitty's

Hello Kawaii Blush Fan's
I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

I  had a good weekend- I got my hair cut all off and restyled.It will make my wig wearing days so much easier know that I do not need to worry about my hair so much.The rest of the weekend was spending time with family.
I have seen a new wig that I have set my eye on and WOW (*0*) Guess what colour I would like to have next...PINK!!!Kawaii ne!
But I wanted to show you my newest Hello Kitty's for my collection!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Hello Kitty Kawaii Toys for Little ones.

Hello my pretty J-Grabber Kawaii Blush fans!
I have been so busy putting ideas together for the Blog and this post is one close to my heart, because I am a 'Muma' and my daughter LOVES Hello Kitty, maybe as much as I love Hello Kitty.
Her second word she could say was 'Kitty'.
Whoa! (0.o)
So I wanted to devote a post of Kawaii Kitty Toys that I would or have bought for my Hello Kitty Princess.
Her nickname is Chibi Bean by the way.
She turned 2 years old last year on Christmas day. So you can imagen the amount of gifts that are to be opened, Christmas and Birthday gifts and guess what most of them are themed on. Yup Hello Kitty!

I was not sure if Chibi bean was going to be a girl or not,but once she was born she was showered with Hello Kitty items and am gutted that I didn't buy other Hello kitty themed items.
I will be using stock photos of the things I got for her in the past.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hello Kitty Bathroom's

Hello all you Kitty Kawaii Lovers!
With all that talk about Kawaii Beauty routines would it not be great to have a nice bathroom to go to with those Hello Kitty Products?!
I have seen lots of Hello Kitty shapeMirrors- I even have one.
But what about a fully decked out Kitty Bathroom?

Before I show you some amazing looking bathrooms and ideas- I found some other Hello Kitty Products that you could use in your wash-room!
*squeeeeeeeee*I love finding new things also I have some photos of my own to share from my own shower-room!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

How to keep Kawaii and Beautiful

Hello my Hello Kitty and  Kawaii lovers!
I while back ill and with being ill.My skin got really bad and I looked very unhealthy. 
Which is not good at all!
But am much better know- Thank you all for your sweet get well messages!
So I wanted  to share with you all my own beauty rituals, hints, tips and routine and if you all like this,Maybe some of my Kawaii how to's with make up? Am not a expert but I did learn a lot about this stuff with Hair and Beauty  in the Salon's I worked in. 
Again this is what I do for my own Skin so it may not suit every one.
My own skin is sensitive skin type and a olive shade complexion ( Its a good idea to find out your skin type.) So no harsh chemicals for me!
I wanted to enjoy my Skin care rituals and routine, I wanted them to make me feel super cute and pampered so I got to thinking...How can I make it cute!?
But lets look at my routine first! 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Hello Kitty Bedroom's

Hi-Hi Kawaii Blush readers and Kitty Lovers.

I wanted to share with you some Hello Kitty Bedroom ideas- Since we are all Kitty fans here!
My bedroom ,is where most of my Hello Kitty's stay. ^_^ He-He
In the House it is the biggest room, so naturally my Hello Kitty's are kept there!
My collection keeps on growing and am looking for new kitty's all the time.I think it should be a paid job looking for Hello Kitty.
Don't you? (o.O)

So anyway lets look at some Kawaii Kitty Bedroom ideas -That I myself maybe giving into the temptation of so much Kawaii!
Did I tell you that I almost have the Kitchen done up?! Well soon as its done up I will post a photo for you all to see,that some how...Hello Kitty may have crept into the Kitchen. -whoops?!

I saw this Kawaii yet grown up looking Bed sheets that look very Vintage that may have found its way to my heart for  my own bedroom tee hee - What do you think? Kawaii ne.

Monday, February 18, 2013

KISS Hello Kittys

Hey every one. Hope you are all keeping all so Kawaii ,Oh my have you seen theses Kitty's. I spied these new plush kitty dolls that look like the members form KISS.
What do you think of these's. 
Are maybe not so Kawaii looking or maybe even a bit over the top.
I am not so sure on them myself, However I think I could come to love them as they have so much personalty.  I did see some other items with KISS X Hello Kitty,such as posters but theses are the Plushes that are limited in numbers for a short time.
Would you collect them or add them to your Kitty collections?!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

It's Give away Time

Oh my goodness, we are far to good to you!
We have reached over 202,000+ fans on our J-Grab fan page, Thank you all soo much!


Love you guys so much, so keep it all Kawaii and thank you we are doing a other Give-away! 

Want to see some of our Prize?These are so fantastic!

How super cute and Kitty-tastic
Want to know how to Enter our Give away?! Well of course you do!
Follow the link below and complete all the entry tasks and its that easy and find the codes here on the Blog
J-Grab Give-away Link HERE!
Give away Codes!

 If your Facebook name starts with 

A-E use the word 'Hello'-( your age)-( your country) in your code
 F-J use 'Kitty'-(age)-(country) in your code
K-O use 'JGrab'-(age)-(country) in your code
 P-Z use 'kawaii'-(age)-(country) in your code
For example : (Tartan) would be ''Kawaii 26 Scotland'' in the code

Am so super excited about this- I love to see winners with their Prizes and how happy they look.

Give-aways are just so much fun and you all have to take part okay?!
Dont forget to follow the blog every one and keep up with my kawaii kitty fun.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hello Kitty Kitchen

Hello every one.
 I hope you all have been well and been treating yourselves to some New Hello Kitty's.(^_^)
I have been unwell and lots have been going on in my house. I am doing up the Kitchen as the one we have is super old. So know that we have a brand new modern looking kitchen , But it is lacking something... Maybe a bit of some Kawaii Magic?
So I went looking for some ideas and when I think of cute kitchens I think of 1st Hello Kitty and Cupcakes!(n,n)
Then I saw some great ideas and Hello Kitty Kitchen-wear!
Check this out for inspiration.

Friday, February 8, 2013

New Hello Kitty's ready for spring

Hey every one, While I was hunting for some new Hello Kitty's, I came across a few that the brand TY will be releasing this year around spring time, Which is really exciting! (^_^) More to add to my collection!
So I though I would show you all the new ones that I have come across. I think they are due out about spring time which is well planned with the Easter themed ones below.

In the last post of valentines day I showed you one Kitty that am lead to believe is a 2013 release!
I have actually managed to get this one on a pre order! 
Instead of waiting for it to come into the shops.
She is way to cute with her bow and arrow and pom pom bow, The details on this one are really sweet,from the wings and the heart on the dress!
I cant tell from the photo is she is a shade of pink or not. Once I get my one I will be able to let you know if she is white or pink.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Hello Kitty Valentines Day ~

Valentines Day is sweet in itself but it can Kawaii too!
What are the things you think of when you think of Valentines Day?
I think of, lots of yummy chocolate and Flowers But lets see what other things that can make your Valentines day Kawaii.
I like to be sent flowers on Valentines day.
I think,  I have been a very lucky girl to get some each year.
But what would make a bunch of flowers even more Kawaii ? It would have to be these Hello Kitty Flower I have found on the internet!
They are just the sweetest looking flowers!?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Hello Kitty Top Accessories

I love Kawaii Accessories,
Do you or do you have a must wear item when dressing up in your cute outfits?
Are you more into Hair Accessories or Jewellery Accessories?
I think I like a bit of both when it comes to Kawaii Accessories,they are so cute and so much fun.
I have found some really cute ideas that I wanted to show you and what my must have accessories are when it comes to my outfits and more so when they are Hello Kitty!
No outfit is complete with out a Hang bag and more so when it comes to a Hello Kitty one!
You can get any colour or any shape/size to match your outfits!
Wow so cute!

What about some Hello Kitty Jewellery that can dress up a simple outfit for any day of the week .It can be simple or very over the top!
This is ever so pretty, I really love this simple yet Kitty style Necklace.
I want it!

Or what about Hello Kitty's bright red bow,Its a real piece of statement of your love for Hello Kitty!

Its just so much Sparkle and pretty! (*o*)
Can you guess that I love sparkles and glittery stuff too? Tee hee .
Or if you don't like necklaces why not try some Hello Kitty rings instead.Don't forget you only have ten fingers and thumbs to use.

Look even Dear Daniel is getting into fashion too!
This is so adorable.
And those Glasses look so cute on them both.
My other top accessories is eye wear like fake glasses and sun glasses, you will find I wear a lot of styles of geeky glasses too.

Oh so many to pick from,which one to pick ?!?!

Oh and don't forget super cute Hello kitty bows that you can pick up too!
I need to get some nice Hello Kitty ones,I have many others ones but not many Hello Kitty bows!

Who would have thought there is so much Hello Kitty when it comes to Rings,Necklaces and Jewellery?!
Not forgetting that lush Handbag and super cute Fake glasses!
Do you have a must have item that is Hello kitty?!
what other Hello kitty things would you like to see on the Blog?
Would you like to see the other fashions and trends I like to wear?
Tartan- San

Monday, February 4, 2013

My Kawaii Dolls- who also love Hello Kitty

Hello every one, How are you fans doing to day?
I have a nice treat and a change of Kawaii for you all some Kawaii dolls.
I was not very into dolls before, but after seeing some Kawaii images of dolls on the internet.I had a change of heart.
The dolls that captured my heart, are the Ball Jointed Dolls (BJD's for short ).
They are so Kawaii *sqeeee*.
These dolls come in all shapes and sizes and they have joints that you can move to put the doll into a very cute pose,Its like a new world of Kawaii waiting to be explored.
Last year I finally saved up for my very first doll. She came as a set, So I did not need to do to much to her apart form buy a few outfits for her to wear.
I called her Mimmy,she is a Hujoo Baby 'Is' sculpt.
I like her because she is very tiny making it easy to store her away when I am not using her.
So I thought I would share a few photos of her with you.
As she is a Hello Kitty fan.

Hello kitty yummy food.
mwha- chu. Mimmy loves her Hello Kitty dress.
Mimmy is also the name of Hello Kitty's Twin sister and I though it was a cute name to call my doll. I have bought her some cute outfits and some mini items for her to pose and play with.
They are just like tiny children.
Mimmy didn't need much done to her and I found myself looking at other Hujoo's. 

Mimmy has her very own Hello Kitty toy.

Hello Kitty yummy bread.
Mimmy got a new dress its got Hello kitty's twin sister on it!
After joining a few doll groups , I found myself getting a plain empty doll from a seller.
The dolls look so strange with no eyes or hair,because this one has no face-up ( Make up features.) 
She looks very bare. So until I have worked on her face up I will not post any photos up.
But I can tell you her new eyes are Brown and her hair is Auburn, She is going to look so pretty one she is done, Well that's if I do not mess up her face-up.
I wanted her to look different from Mimmy, since she is blonde and blue eyes and I still need to pick a name I have had a few ideas but I really cant pick one until I have done her face-up and pieced her together.

Do you have any Dolls?
Are they BJD's or a different Kind?
I would love to see them !
I hope that I can Post up new photos of my other doll but till then here is a nice photo of Mimmy in the snow!

Tartan -san

Kawaii Hair Styles.

Hi-Hi every one, Hope you are all doing well and having a wonderful day.
(^_^) V
Kawaii Hair styles and wigs are one of the other things I love. Its my must have number one thing about being a Kawaii representative/spokes model!
I love cute hair and styles.I see a lot come up on my Facebook news feed, they are very inspiring. My own hair its very short,so I wear a lot of wigs.
I started thinking about wigs after dealing with the fact that I can not dye my hair in any way or form.(T^T) 
I was so upset about this.
I am very sensitive to the chemicals that are sure for dying my hair that it put me in hospital.
Which put me in a pickle, as back then I was a hairdresser.I was working with dyes all the time.Anyhow after giving up being a hairdresser and my dream to be a Celebrity Hairdresser .
After searching the topic on the internet I soon found out,  I was not the only person in the world that was allergic to Hair dye and I stumbled upon one person who became a huge inspiration was a Model who happen to run a Online wig-shop.
I had bought a cheep wig off of a other shopping service in the past but it was very itchy and tangled up with in a few hours of wearing it. So I picked a clip in pony tail from the Online wig shop, something at the time I could clip into my own hair. It was after seeing the other wigs and the pretty photos of the wigs that made me take the jump to get a full head wig. I was so excited. After buying one I was hooked! (*^_^*) 
I started to buy the wigs that were coloured , like the colours you would get if you had been into a top salon. These are a few snaps of my pretty wigs. 

This wig the short one with a bright cherry pink shade ,Is the one wig I use a lot,its short enough to be super cute and can be worn with out me worrying about long hair but its the shade of colour I love most about it. Its so cheerful and bright.

This is a long curly wig of mine that is dark shade of auburn,I actually cut the wig and made it so that it have bangs/a fringe.I don't normal like having bangs/a fringe but this colour can pulled it off.

This wig is super long and wavy like a mermaids hair,Its also in a very pretty shade of honey which makes it look very glamour's like.

The other wig is a curly one again,(My own hair is not curly at all .)This one is bright Platinum Blonde that fades into a very cute pink,This Style is a lot of fun!

This style is a 2 tone spilt shade,Its very pretty I like having the 2 shades that blend in so well together.
This is one of my older wigs.

When I wear a wig-they are so much fun and cute,With the wigs you can even do buns or pony tails with them. 
How Kawaii (^_^) !!
Not only that they can complement and work with any outfit what ever it may be. I like to wear my wigs most days and more so if I am to attend an event or with a few friends to go out for a girly night. I like to surprise every one with a new wig to keep them guessing too
I am thinking about getting a new wig and wonder if any one wants to help me pick a new pretty style.
I have narrowed it down to 2 wigs that I would be able to buy but picking can be so hard with them being ever so pretty (*o*)
Do you think you would like to help me with this?
I have a other wig that I want to show you all real soon  that is on order that I hope to show you it real soon!

Till later 
Tartan- san

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hello Kitty Collecting- oh so Kawaii!

My Hello Kitty collecting started as a young girl, but it was not till I was earning my own money till I started to collect Hello Kitty.
As I have said , I mostly collect the plushes of Kitty. I do have other things likes of Hello Kitty Blankets, Cushions, Make-up,Bags,Stationary,Ear phones, Key charms,  the list goes on, and on, and on.

 I have a soft spot for the Kitty's that wear glasses, Don't you think she looks so stylish and classy?
Kitty's that are in in a other colour other than white are ones I like too,like the black ones.
I have 2 Black ones and a few all in pink, I hope I can get more!
Uh um I also like the ones where she Cosplay's too.

(^o^) I love my Mac 2009 Hello Kitty
I have lots of Kitty things.
You can even find Hello Kitty in my bathroom!
*Nod Nods*
I spend time looking to add to my collection,Looking for rare or hard to get hold of Plushes.I like to try and get them at a good price.I enjoy keeping a eye out in discount shops or even the children's section  for any surprise Hello Kitty's finds.

A photo of me with most of my Hello Kittys plushies.
Hello Kitty means a lot to me,She makes me smile and feel all cute when I cuddle up with the extremely large ones,I have 2 huge Hello Kitty's that take up all the room in my bed! (One sits on the floor at night.) I like how fashionable Kitty can be with her outfits and collaborations.

For all of you that took part in the give away on the fan page,well done for guessing I currently have approx 75+ Plush Hello Kitty's I am aiming to get my collection up to a goal of 100!
As I don't think I could house any more until I move to a bigger house but that has not stopped buying them
I have a lot on my wish list but it can be so hard to get some of the ones I want.
Maybe I could make a Hello Kitty room,Full of Hello Kitty!?

Hello Kitty is just so cute but some times I think Hello Kitty gets all the attention .So I went looking for her Twin sister Mimmy but I never found one,Instead last Christmas I got this Kawaii gift!
Mimmy is much more shy than Kitty,But I love her too.
She wears her bow on the other side compared to Hello Kitty and often it is a Yellow bow oppose to Kitty's Red bow
You don't see much Mimmy stuff.
Mimmy and Kitty set. <3
Would you like to see more of my Hello Kitty collection?
What do you like to collect that is Kawaii?
